About 911 Unity

911 Unity was formed to honor the courage, dedication and sacrifice of Emergency Services Personnel worldwide.

We produce distinctive rings, pendants and other items to honor Emergency Service Personnel Worldwide and subtly identify you amongst your peers.

A Letter from our Founder

Dear Fellow Brothers and Sisters:

My name is Gary Clue. On November 30, 1997 I retired after 31 years sworn service as a Detective Sergeant from the Hamilton Wentworth Regional Police Service in Hamilton, Ontario Canada (850 sworn members). My daughter and her husband are also Law Enforcement Officers. I also have a son who now resides in British Columbia. I have been married to my wife Susan for 40 years.

When I retired, I took a long slow look over the past thirty-one years. I have had the opportunity of working with some of the finest people on earth and have obtained an education that money can't buy. I was very fortunate to have been able to choose the profession that I wanted and serve through to retirement. I realized that the Law Enforcement, like all Emergency Services, is a very special family. I want very much to promote unity within this family.

As a result, I made a decision to form a small Emergency Services Recognition company. I believe that no matter where you serve, you face the same problems. It takes a special person to stand in harms way for another or to spend 100% of your time dealing with 5% of the population and still stay grounded.

911Unity.com is attempting to honor the men and women of the Emergency Services who serve, along with their family members. Exquisitely designed tributes, in the form of rings and pendants, have been developed and they serve as a mark of distinction and international recognition.

Always remember 'Omnes ad Unum' meaning "All Together as One" or Unity. Unity is more than just a word. It is the feeling, commitment and dedication of individuals that share a common purpose or goal.

Stay Safe,

Gary Clue
911 Unity